by | Mar 13, 2018 | Archive (KP Project), Release Pages (KP Project), Legacy (KP Project), Release
Resolved Case List Case Subject ISO 7038 Local API improvement to fix API crash issue N/A 9614 Local API improvement to fix API crash when using server option PreLoadTableList=* N/A 9638 Knowledge base geocode improvement DEU 9738 Knowledge base address format...
by Chris Harman | Oct 28, 2011 | Keep (KP Project), Revise (KP Project), Archive (KP Project), Legacy (KP Project), Getting started, Support Root
Loqate Cloud API PLEASE NOTE: this is legacy documentation, for a product which is no longer actively supported. See our current documentation for details of our actively-supported cloud API. Service URL: All endpoints require a valid API key...
by nicholasxu | Mar 14, 2012 | Archive (KP Project), Legacy (KP Project), support, Getting started
The case submission form is currently unavailable. To create a support ticket Send an email to Please remember to include: your name, organization, and a customer (end user) reference if applicable a detailed description of the question or...
by Chris Harman | Mar 1, 2018 | Archive (KP Project), Legacy (KP Project), Release
2018 Q1.1 Release Resolved Case List Case Subject ISO 9638 Knowledge base geocode improvement DEU 9738 Knowledge base address format improvement...
by nicholasxu | Jul 12, 2012 | Keep (KP Project), Revise (KP Project), Legacy (KP Project), Support Root
The case submission form is currently unavailable. To create a support ticket Send an email to Please remember to include: your name, organization, and a customer (end user) reference if applicable a detailed description of the question or...
by Chris Harman | Oct 14, 2013 | Archive (KP Project), Legacy (KP Project), support, archive
Support Case Handling Submitted cases should include the following information wherever possible: Customer Name or Reference Priority Description of the problem and behavior Examples of the problem (Input, Output, and Desired Output) Countries, languages and...