Verify Fields Available When Running CASS2
In addition to the CASS2 fields, the Loqate engine will populate the fields in the table below, sholuld the data exist and the address DPVConfirmedIndicator is “Y“, “S“, or “D“.
Field | Definition |
Address | This field holds the full address, correctly formatted for mailing, including line breaks specified using the AddressLineSeparator option. |
Address1, Address2, …, Address8 | This field will contain the correctly formatted address split into individual address lines for mailing and will include the Organization, Locality, AdministrativeArea, and PostalCode, including line breaks specified using the AddressLineSeparator option. |
AddressFormat | If Server Option “OutputAddressFormat“ is “Yes“, then this field will contain the fields used to construct the “Address“ Field. For example, “Organization<BR>DeliveryAddress<BR>Locality AdministrativeArea PostalCode“. The default “<BR>“ line breaks can be changed with the AddressLineSeparator Server Option. |
AdministrativeArea | This field holds the state abbreviation. |
Country | This field holds the ISO 3166 2-character country code. |
CountryName | This field holds the ISO 3166 official country name. |
DeliveryAddress | This field holds the full address minus the Organization, Locality, AdministrativeArea hierarchy and PostalCode hierarchy fields, correctly formatted for mailing, including line breaks specified using the AddressLineSeparator option. |
DeliveryAddress1, DeliveryAddress2, …, DeliveryAddress8 | These fields contain the individual lines contained within the DeliveryAddress field. |
DeliveryAddressFormat | If Server Option “OutputAddressFormat“ is “Yes“, then this field will contain the fields used to construct the “DeliveryAddress“ Field. For example, “Organization<BR>DeliveryAddress<BR>Locality AdministrativeArea PostalCode“. The default “<BR>“ line breaks can be changed with the AddressLineSeparator Server Option. |
DependentLocality | This field holds the Puerto Rico Urbanization, should one exist. |
ISO3166-2 | This field holds the ISO 3166 2-character country code. |
ISO3166-3 | This field holds the ISO 3166 3-character country code. |
ISO3166-N | This field holds the ISO 3166 3-digit numeric country code. |
Locality | This field holds the city. |
Organization | This field contains the business name associated with a particular delivery point, should one exist. |
PostalCode | This field contains the complete postal code for a particular delivery point, should such detail be able to be determined and will include the ZIP+4 should one exist. For example, “70119-3944“ |
PostalCodePrimary | This field will contain the ZIP5, should one exist. For example, if the PostalCode is 70119-3944, then PostalCodePrimary will be “70119“. |
PostalCodeSecondary | This field will contain the ZIP+4 should one exist. For example, if the PostalCode is “70119-3944“, then the PostalCodeSecondary will be “3944“. |
PostBox | This field contains the post box for a particular delivery point, should one exist. |
PostBoxNumber | This field contains the alphanumeric indicator within the PostBox field, should one exist. For instance, if PostBox contains “PO BOX 1234”, then PostBoxNumber wiill contain “1234”. |
PostBoxType | This field contains the type indicator contained within the PostBox field, should one exist. For instance, if PostBox contains “PO BOX 1234” then PostBoxType will contain “PO BOX” . |
Premise | The field holds the house identification. For instance, if the address is “123 Main St“, then Premise will contain “123“. |
PremiseNumber | This field will always be the same as Premise. |
PrivateMailbox | The full Private Mailbox value that will be appended to PrimaryAddressLine or SecondaryAddressLine. For example, “PMB 252“. |
SubAdministrativeArea | This field holds the county/parish/borough. |
SubBuilding | This field contains the secondary identifiers for a particular delivery point. For instance, “SUITE 200”. |
SubBuildingLeadingType | This field contains the sub-building type indicator within the SubBuilding field, should one exist. For instance, if SubBuilding contains “STE 200”, then SubBuildingLeadingType will contain “STE”. |
SubBuildingNumber | This field contains the alphanumeric indicator within the SubBuilding field, should one exist. For instance, if SubBuilding contains “STE 200”, then SubBuildingNumber will contain “200”. |
Thoroughfare | This field holds the street. For instance, if the address is “123 Main St“ then Thoroughfare will contain “Main St“. |
ThoroughfareName | This field holds the name indicator within the Thoroughfare field, should one exist. For instance, if Thoroughfare contains “N MAIN ST W”, then ThoroughfareName will contain “MAIN”. |
ThoroughfarePostDirection | This field holds the postfix directional contained within the Thoroughfare field, should one exist. For instance, if Thoroughfare contains “N MAIN ST W”, then ThoroughfarePostDirection will contain “W”. |
ThoroughfarePreDirection | This field holds the prefix directional contained within the Thoroughfare field, should one exist. For instance, if Thoroughfare contains “N MAIN ST W”, then ThoroughfarePreDirection will contain “N”. |
ThoroughfareTrailingType | This field holds the trailing thoroughfare type indicator within the Thoroughfare field, should one exist. For instance, if Thoroughfare contains “N MAIN ST”, then ThoroughfareTrailingType will contain “ST”. |