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The tables below list all possible values of the ResultString field, which is returned with every CASS2 request.

Address Status Codes

Code Short Description Long Description
AS01 Valid Address The address is valid and deliverable according to official postal agencies.
AS02 Street Only Match The street address was verified but the suite/apartment number is missing or invalid.
AS03 Non USPS Address Match This US address is not serviced by the USPS but does exist and may receive mail through third party carriers like UPS.
AS09 Foreign Address The address is in a non-supported country.
AS10 CMRA Address The address is a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA) like a Mailboxes Etc. These addresses include a Private Mail Box (PMB or #) number.
AS11 PBSA Address A Post Office Box address with a street style address instead of the normal PO Box # address format.
AS12 Moved to New Address The record moved to a new address.
AS13 Address Updated By LACS The address has been converted by LACSLink® from a rural-style address to a city-style address.
AS14 Suite Appended A suite was appended by SuiteLink™ using the address and company name.
AS15 Apartment Appended An apartment number was appended by AddressPlus using the address and last name.
AS16 Vacant Address The address has been unoccupied for more than 90 days.
AS17 No Mail Delivery The address does not currently receive mail but will likely in the near future.
AS18 DPV Locked Out DPV processing was terminated due to the detection of what is determined to be an artificially created address.
AS20 Deliverable only by USPS This address can only receive mail delivered through the USPS (i.e. PO Box or a military address).
AS22 No Alternate Address Suggestion Found No alternate address suggestion was found for this address.
AS23 Extraneous Information Extraneous information not used in verifying the address was found. This includes unnecessary sub premises and other unrecognized data. Additional information will either be parsed into the SubBuilding or Parsed Garbage output.
AS24 USPS Door Not Accessible Address identified by the USPS where carriers cannot physically access a building or door for mail delivery.
AS25 Unique ZIP code The address contains a USPS unique ZIP code which means any address be marked as deliverable.
AS26 Unknown Data Moved to ParsedGarage The input contains data that could not be identified.  That data is returned in the ParsedGarbage/AddressExtras field
AS27 Phantom Route address Addresses that are assigned to a phantom route of R777 or R779.

Address Error Codes

Code Short Description Long Description
AE01 Postal Code Error/General Error The address could not be verified at least up to the postal code level.
AE02 Unknown Street Could not match the input street to a unique street name. Either no matches or too many matches found.
AE03 Component Mismatch Error The combination of directionals (N, E, SW, etc) and the suffix (AVE, ST, BLVD) is not correct and produced multiple possible matches.
AE04 Non-Deliverable Address A physical plot exists but is not a deliverable addresses. One example might be a railroad track or river running alongside this street, as they would prevent construction of homes in that location.
AE05 Multiple Match The address was matched to multiple records. There is not enough information available in the address to break the tie between multiple records.
AE06 Early Warning System This address currently cannot be verified but was identified by the Early Warning System (EWS) as belonging to a upcoming area and will likely be included in a future update.
AE07 Missing Minimum Address Minimum requirements for the address to be verified is not met. A country input is required for global products. For US/CA, a postal code or city/state are required. Requirements for other countries may be different.
AE08 Sub Premise Number Invalid The thoroughfare (street address) was found but the sub premise (suite) was not valid.
AE09 Sub Premise Number Missing The thoroughfare (street address) was found but the sub premise (suite) was missing.
AE10 Premise Number Invalid The premise (house or building) number for the address is not valid.
AE11 Premise Number Missing The premise (house or building) number for the address is missing.
AE12 Box Number Invalid The PO (Post Office Box), RR (Rural Route), or HC (Highway Contract) Box number is invalid.
AE13 Box Number Missing The PO (Post Office Box), RR (Rural Route), or HC (Highway Contract) Box number is missing.
AE14 PMB Number Missing The address is a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA) and the Private Mail Box (PMB or #) number is missing.
AE15 Demo Mode Limited to Demo Mode operation. Please contact Loqate at
AE16 Expired Database The Database has expired. Please contact Loqate at
AE17 Sub Premise Not Required (Deprecated – See AS23) A sub premise (suite) number was entered but the address does not have secondaries. (Deprecated – See AS23)
AE19 Find Suggestion Timeout The FindSuggestion function has exceeded the time limit.
AE20 Find Suggestion Disabled The FindSuggestion function is disabled. See the manual for further details.

Address Change Codes

Code Short Description Long Description
AC01 Postal Code Change The postal code was changed or added.
AC02 Administrative Area Change The administrative area (state, province) was added or changed.
AC03 Locality Change The locality (city, municipality) name was added or changed.
AC04 Alternate to Base Change The address was found to be an alternate record and changed to the base (preferred) version.
AC05 Alias Name Change An alias is a common abbreviation for a long street name, such as “MLK Blvd” for “Martin Luther King Blvd.” This change code indicates that the full street name (preferred) has been substituted for the alias.
AC06 Address1/Address2 Swap Address1 was swapped with Address2 because Address1 could not be verified and Address2 could be verified.
AC07 Address1 & Company Swapped Address1 was swapped with Company because only Company had a valid address.
AC08 Plus4 Change A non-empty plus4 was changed.
AC09 Dependent Locality Change The dependent locality (urbanization) was changed.
AC10 Thoroughfare Name Change The thoroughfare (street) name was added or changed due to a spelling correction.
AC11 Thoroughfare Type Change The thoroughfare (street) leading or trailing type was added or changed, such as from “St” to “Rd.”
AC12 Thoroughfare Directional Change The thoroughfare (street) pre-directional or post-directional was added or changed, such as from “N” to “NW.”
AC13 Sub Premise Type Change The sub premise (suite) type was added or changed, such as from “STE” to “APT.”
AC14 Sub Premise Number Change The sub premise (suite) unit number was added or changed.