Q2022 Q2.0 Resolved Case List Summary

The following is a list of cases that have been resolved with the 2022Q2.0 major release. To view the the examples and screenshots of the changes made please click here. If you would like more details on any of the solved cases listed, please contact the support team: LoqateSupport@gbgplc.com for further information.


Case Number

Change Description Category Country
CAS-68445-R0V3Z0 Corrected the missing Locality for Argentina Data Argentina
CAS-10592-F0C2W9 Removal of Incorrect Building Data Australia
CAS-65049-G1D6J1 Improvement on Locality and Thoroughfare parsing and verification with option CombinedVerifyMethods=OFF. Data Canada
CAS-65497-Z5P0D6 Improvement of the Primary Name for the Canada Locality Data Canada
CAS-68051-T3B2P6 Improvement on Locality and Thoroughfare parsing with higher AVC match score. Data Canada
CAS-70258-M0H2Q7 Fixed SERP crash when Canada postal code has less than 3 characters. API Canada
CAS-53448-Z0G0C7 Improvement of France address matching Data France
CAS-64581-F1Y8L5 Improvement in Locality return and AVC level. Data France
CAS-70334-G3F0J7 Improvement in locality field – former commune has turns invalid. Data France
CAS-37251-G7B9D2 Removed “office” from thoroughfare names Data Hong Kong
CAS-66488-W5N3G9 Removal of SubAdministrativeArea because it’s no longer available/valid under respective AdministrativeArea Data India
CAS-63818-R6K3Q0 Improved the parsing of “IE-D” as an AdministrativeArea to match Regular IE data Data Ireland
CAS-68244-P9D9W4 Improvement of processing speed for address containing “~” in the input address API Japan
CAS-56740-Z2R7R4 Improvement on Premise level verification Data Mexico
CAS-53731-X3C5L8 Added list of missing postal code. Data Norway
CAS-68777-G3W7N9 Removal of “M.” suffix from the city in Locality field. Note: M. stand for Miesto Data Poland
CAS-70950-H2D8V9 Corrected the primary valid alias of Localities to original native names in diacritic for Seed file. Data Puerto Rico
CAS-04783-J3G0W9 Improvement on address parsing and verification when input have a mix of Native and Latin input. Data Russia
CAS-41802-G2M8S6 Included a list of missing PostalCode into Seed file. Data Russia
CAS-49550-F5T0M4 Locality is no longer missing in the output field Data South Africa
CAS-58833-X8Q9W5 Improvement on Building parsing and Thoroughfare verification. Data Spain
CAS-69120-V3R1W2 Improved the parsing of 藥庫 as OrganizationType Data Taiwan
CAS-65846-Q5Y9Y5 Improvement is made within the USA geocode reference data to improve geocoding level Data United States

If you would like more details on any of the solved cases listed, please contact the support team: LoqateSupport@gbgplc.com for further information.