2013Q3.1 Release Notes

We are pleased to present our 2013Q3.1 release. The main features of this release are:

  • United States combined thoroughfare with improved performance
  • Fix for Salesforce Case 00002591: US Address failing at search function

Check out our 2013Q3.0 Release Webinar held on July 18th, 2013:

In this video, Loqate CTO Paul Flew and Development Team Leader, Uma Ramamurthy take the time to discuss the new features and focus on the functionality of our new Install Manager. This highly anticipated licensing mechanism addresses the limitations of the existing installation process such as: separate API and data installers; inability to update data from an existing installation; and inability to select countries to install within regions. We want to reassure you that what we’re doing is simply providing all the functionality we have now but with added functionality to disseminate more easily the updates, new patches, correct data as well as to check the compatibility between versions of the API and data.

(If you have any questions about the 2013Q3.0 release, please check out the Release Notes for it here.)

This document describes these changes in greater detail along with things to be aware of and other helpful tips.

General Suggestions and Tips

For the best results, install the 2013Q3.1 release as soon as your application development cycle allows. The 2013Q3.1 release makes improvements in both throughput of the verification process but also in the quality of the results.

Please remember to update both the program files and the reference data. The improvements in the Loqate Engine are tied to the data in the Global Knowledge Repository and the combination works better. If a reason exists in your application that both cannot be updated, please contact Loqate Support prior to upgrading so we can help you.

Loqate API and Data Installation

Loqate software installation involves installation of the API and the GKR (Global Knowledge Repository) data packs. Before 2013Q3.0 the data packs were installed using the GKR Installer. In the 2013Q3.0 release, we have introduced a new Install Manager product. In the next section we will walk through the steps of the installation process for the Local API and then the installation of the GKR using the new Install Manager. We will discuss the steps for installation using Graphical User Interface mode for Windows as well as the command line interface for Linux/Unix platforms.

The recommended steps for installation are as follows:

  • Install the Local API (You will need the local API Installer from Loqate)
  • Request a license key from Loqate Support at support@loqate.com
  • Install the data packs as needed, using Install Manager

Loqate API Installation

The following sections demonstrate the steps of the installation process for Local API installation.

Installation using GUI

After seeing the welcome screen and accepting the license agreement, the next screen shows the components to install. For Install Manager to work, the Loqate Java API is required.

The next step is to select a folder to install the Local API. If Install Manager was selected as a component to install, then a local copy of Java Run time Environment will be installed in addition to InstallManager.jar and a script or a batch file (InstallManager.bat for Windows and InstallManager.sh for Linux/Unix platforms) for running Install Manager. The Java Runtime Environment will be installed locally so there will be no effect on the system settings in the target machine.

Installation using the Command Line Interface

On Linux/Unix platforms, the preferred method of installation is using the command line interface.

When selecting components, if Install Manager is selected, then the Java API is also installed.

If Install Manager is selected as a component to install, the installer will install a local copy of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) as well. This is needed to run Install Manager. This local copy of JRE will not affect any system settings on the target machine.

Installation of Data Packs

Install Manager

Install Manager is a java application that was introduced in 2013Q3.0 to handle the installation of the GKR. Install Manager can be run in graphical user interface (GUI) mode or in command line mode. Install Manager uses a new webservice running at licensing.loqate.com to provide the information on compatible data packs for a given Local API version. Install Manager requires either a license key or license pack that can be obtained by contacting support@loqate.com.

Graphical User Interface Mode
Install Manager can be started in GUI mode by providing the command line option: mode=gui. GUI mode is the default mode on Windows platforms. On Windows platforms, Install Manager can be launched by double clicking on InstallManager.bat.

The first screen displays the version of the Local API currently installed, at the lower left corner.

The first step is to provide the installation folder.

The next step is to either provide a license key or provide the full path to a license pack. The license pack is named “loqateLicense”. If a license key is entered, Install Manager will communicate with licensing.loqate.com. If the license key is valid, the server will return the corresponding license pack to Install Manager and then Install Manager will write the license pack to the installation folder.

Once the license pack is saved to disk, Install Manager will display the contents of the license for reference.

There are 2 options available for downloading as shown below. One can either just download the data packs or install the data packs that are already downloaded to the local machine.

After a valid option is selected, Install Manager will communicate with licensing.loqate.com and fetch details about the latest available licensed data packs that are compatible with the Local API version that is currently installed. The details of available data packs to install will be shown next. In the case a user selects an existing data folder for installation, it will show newer data packs available to download and install. The release date of the available data packs will also be displayed. The user can select the required data packs from this screen by checking the checkboxes next to each product.

If the user selects the download option, Install Manager will download the data packs. The next screen allows the user to choose whether to install the downloaded data packs.

Next, the user is shown the Loqate data license agreement.

Once the user accepts the license agreement, the next screen will proceed to installing the selected data packs.

Finally, Install Manager will complete the installation as shown.

Command Line Interface Mode
Install Manager can be started in command line mode by providing the command line option: mode=commandline. Command line mode is the default in Linux and Unix platforms. On Linux/Unix platforms, Install Manager can be launched by running the script InstallManager.sh.

The first screen displays the version of the Local API currently installed.

The first step is to provide the installation folder. If the user selects an empty folder the installation will proceed as a fresh installation of the data packs. If the user selects an existing data folder, the installer will proceed as an update installation.

The next step is to either provide a license key or provide the full path to a license pack. The license pack is named “loqateLicense”. If a license key is entered, Install Manager will communicate with licensing.loqate.com. If the license key is valid, the server will return the corresponding license pack to Install Manager and then Install Manager will write the license pack to the installation folder.

There are 3 options available for downloading and installing as shown below.

One can either just download the data packs or install the data packs that are already downloaded to the local machine.

When the list of available data packs is shown, enter “all” to select all data packs. Alternatively, if only certain products are desired for installation, enter the numbers next to those products, ending the selection by entering “done”.

The screen below shows the Loqate License agreement.

Depending on the choice made for download and installation, Install Manager may download data packs from download.loqate.com.

Users Migrating from Loqate 2013Q3.0 to 2013Q3.1

Users migrating from Loqate’s 2013Q3.0 release to 2013Q3.1 can follow this procedure:

  1. Loqate API Installation – Follow the steps described in the Loqate API Installation section above.
  2. Installation of Data Packs – Follow the steps described in the Installation of Data Packs section above. In this case the user may prefer to run the original Install Manager, the same Install Manager used to install 2013Q3.0 data, and update only the files shown as having a more recent version available (as opposed to downloading the complete set of files again). It is recommended the user make a backup copy of the data files before running Install Manager.
  3. Use license key provided in 2013Q3.0 release – During the installation of the Data Packs, when prompted for a license key, the user can provide the same license key provided with the 2013Q3.0 release; a new license key is not required.

Still have questions?

Contact Loqate support at support@loqate.com or contact your account manager.