The core /address/… endpoints allow an optional set of configurable parameters that can be appended as an array to the request object. Any settings added will apply to all of the addresses included within the input array. These options are advised only for advanced users.
To learn more about how to set the options, please see the /verify documentation.
Report Codes
(Default: false; Values: true, false)
Set to true to request field status codes with each output record. The “field name” : “report code” values are returned as an object within the respective output record.
00 | Field is not applicable to return a field status code. |
01 | Field has been verified using relevant reference data, no changes were needed. |
02 | Field has been verified using relevant reference data and an alias change was made during parsing. |
03 | Field has been verified using relevant reference data and a small spelling change was made. |
04 | Field has been verified using relevant reference data and a large spelling change was made. |
05 | Field has been added using relevant reference data. |
(Default: not set; Values: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code, e.g. "CZE")
Used to specify the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code which should be used for all input records, regardless of a country being entered within the input record.
Country Identification Options
(Default: not set; Values: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code, e.g. "CZE")
Used to specify the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code which should be used if no identifiable country can be found in an input record.
(Default: not set; Values: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code, e.g. "CZE")
Used to specify the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code which should be used for all input records, regardless of a country being entered within the input record.
(Default: not set; Values: comma-delimited field names)
Used to specify the comma delimited list of fields to be searched for country information.
(Default: not set; Values: comma-delimited field names)
Used to specify the comma delimited list of fields to be searched for country information.
Results Options
(Default: by endpoint*; Values: any Integer as String)
Used to specify the maximum number of results to return with the process request. *Defaults are dependent by each endpoint:
- /verify = “1”
- /verify?suggest = “100”
Address Format Options
(Default: ", "; Values: any String)
Used to specify the string which will separate the output address lines within the output Address field.
(Default: "Title"; Values: "Upper", "Lower", "Title")
Used to specify the letter case to use for output fields.
(Default: "No"; Values: "Yes", "No")
Used to specify whether to output an extra field for the Address block fields with the suffix ‘Format’ showing how the hierarchical field positioning has occurred.
Transliteration Options
(Default: Empty; Values: "Latn", "Hang", "Cyrl", "Grek", "Hebr", "Hans", "Hani", "Arab", "Thai")
Used to specify the ISO 15924 Code in which the output should be encoded, where supported. Alternatively ‘Native’ should be specified to choose the correct country specific script value. Please note that transliteration is only supported in the countries where the respective character script is native.
(Default: "ID,ISO3166-2, ISO3166-3, _L, Latitude, Longitude, GeoAccuracy, GeoDistance, AVC"; Values: comma-delimited field names)
Used to specify the fields that should not be transliterated.
(Default: "Yes"; Values: "Yes", "No")
Specify ‘No’ to limit transliteration to complete field phrase matches.
Field Suppression Options
(Default: not set; Values: comma-delimited field names)
Used to specify the comma-delimited list of fields that should be suppressed from the output object.
(Default: not set; Values: comma-delimited field names)
Used to specify the comma-delimited list of fields that should be suppressed only from the Address field output.
(Default: not set; Values: comma-delimited field names)
Used to specify the comma-delimited list of fields that should not be added to an output result if they do not appear in the input record.
Search Options
Reversion Options
(Default: "2"; Values: 0-5 as String)
Used to specify the minimum verification level a record must reach in order to avoid reversion. See AVC documentation to learn more about verification levels.
(Default: "75"; Values: 0-100 as String)
Used to specify the minimum matchscore a record must reach in order to avoid reversion. See AVC documentation to learn more about the matchscore value.
(Default: "500"; Values: any Integer as String)
Used to specify the maximum GeoDistance a geocode can reach and still be returned as a result. GeoDistance units are in meters (m). To remove the limit, set the parameter to “-1”.
(Default: "3"; Values: 0-5 as String)
Used to specify the minimum GeoAccuracy level a geocode must reach in order to be returned as a result.