The Loqate library is available as a shared object on the following Linux platforms: loqate_installer_hpux Platform Version Build Compiler Library Dependencies HP-UX (Itanium) 11iv2 HP C/aC++ B3910B A.06.20 libstd_v2.so.1 libCsup.so.1 libm.so.1 libunwind.so.1 11iv3...

AMAS Fields

AMAS Fields The table below is the list of AMAS specific output fields. Field Definition DPID Delivery Point Identifier is a unique 8-digit number which is assigned for every new address to the source address database FloorType Type of floor or level FloorNumber Floor...


The Loqate library is available as a shared object on the following Linux platforms: loqate_installer_x86 Platform Version Build Compiler C/C++ Library Fedora (x86) 8 gcc 4.1.1 libstdc++.so.6, libc.so.6 9 10 11 12 CentOS (x86) / Red Hat Enterprise Linux (x86) 3.9 gcc...