2018 Q4.1 Resolved Cases

Resolved Case List Case Number Change Description Country 8611 Belgium Locality data improvement BEL 9654 Germany Premise Local API improvement DEU 9764 Canada Thoroughfare data improvement CAN 10243 Australia DPID AMAS Local API improvement AUS 10480 Mexico Locality...

Release Information

Release Information Please find the release notes and resolved case lists below for the current and all previous Loqate releases. If you are unsure about your API version, please follow these steps. Release Schedule Our data releases and related fixes are now done on...

2018 Q4.0 Resolved Cases

Resolved Case List Case Subject ISO 6815 Austria data alignment improvement AUT 8935 USA Building data improvement USA 9163 Australia Thoroughfare improvement AUS 9610 Australia Thoroughfare improvement AUS 9623 USA Local API Building improvement USA 10014 France PDH...