Sample Code

C++ Sample Code CASS2 - Java Sample Code Java Sample Code CASS2 - C# Sample Code Java - Multithreading NEW Python - Sample Code The below section are sample codes to create simplified GUI using the Loqate .NET API Verify GUI in C# Register GUI in C# Query GUI in C#...


Integrating the Loqate API How to integrate Loqate with the below available platforms C++ Java .NET Multithread Installed API Reference The Loqate API is a class-based API designed to be easy and intuitive to use in today’s preferred class-based languages, as well as...

Geographic Data Hierarchy

This page outlines some of the key features of the geographic data hierarchy product (also referred to as Seed Data). For more information about how you can benefit from integrating our geography data hierarchy across your organizational platform, please contact your...

Server Options

Server Options The following commands can be used to control and manipulate the Loqate process or output. These are considered advanced functions, and we recommend that server options are used in custom workflows. CASS2 releated server options added to the bottom of...

2019Q3.1 Resolved Cases

Case Number Description Country CAS-41912-Z6K0C3 Lexicon change CAN CAS-37047-R0D0X5 Output address improvement LVA CAS-36981-M5Y0F3 Output address improvement PRI CAS-38800-L3K2Z1 Alias improvement USA CAS-40880-G7F2T3 Lexicon update USA CAS-41000-K7X8M1 Regex add...

2019Q3.1 Minor Release

The setup wizard for the Local API can be obtained from our SFTP server. Please contact your account manager to retrieve the SFTP information. If you do not know who your account manager is, please contact the support team at The 2019Q3.1 release...