GB Enhancement Data Fields

The following fields are sourced through the United Kingdom Postal Address File (PAF) and the OS Open UPRN data source, and provide further intelligence on each verified address record. UDPRNKey The Royal Mail UDPRN, or Unique Delivery Point Reference Number, is an...

2019Q4.0 Resolved Cases

Case Number Change Description Country CAS-33079-H9H9J1 Local API over-verification improvement All CAS-38148-F3B7T3 Enhance’s output AVC improvement All CAS-37503-N5S6V2 AMAS PrimaryAddressLine output improvement AUS CAS-42562-B8Q9R8 Belgium-Locality parsing...

Belgium (BEL)

Country Information Description ISO2 BE ISO3 BEL Address Format (Latin) OrganizationPostBoxBuilding SubBuilding Thoroughfare Premise DependentThoroughfare DoubleDependentLocality DependentLocality PostalCode Locality PDH Yes PDH completed date 2019Q4.0 New Source No...