by Chris Harman | Jun 10, 2020 | Keep (KP Project)
The below table displays the list of available installers and the corresponding operating systems. Operating System Installer Windows x86 and x86_64 loqate_installer_mt_win_x86_vs2005.exe loqate_installer_mt_win_x64_vs2005.exe loqate_installer_mt_win_x86_vs2019.exe...
by Chris Harman | Jun 4, 2020 | Keep (KP Project)
MD5 Hashes for Data Download & Installation MD5 hash values for datapacks and data files are available when using Install Manager at release 2020Q1.0 or later. The values are written to text files at the end of download and installation processes. The new files...
by Chris Harman | Jun 4, 2020 | Keep (KP Project)
Country Information Description ISO2 CL ISO3 CHL Address Format (Latin) Organization PostBox Building SubBuilding Thoroughfare Premise DependentThoroughfare DoubleDependentLocality Locality DependentLocality PDH Yes PDH completed date 2020Q1.0 New Source No Pre-PDH...
by Chris Harman | May 27, 2020 | Keep (KP Project)
End of Support Notifications There are no end of support plans for any platforms with the next major release (2020Q3.0). Microsoft Windows PlatformVersionBuild CompilerLibrary DependencyMicrosoft Windows (x86)Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 10, Windows 7 Service...
by Chris Harman | May 20, 2020 | Keep (KP Project)
< Back to the Q2.1 Minor Release Notes Case Number Change Description Category Country CAS-33079-H9H9J1Local API over-verification improvementAPIAllCAS-38148-F3B7T3Enhance’s output AVC improvementAPIAllCAS-37503-N5S6V2PrimaryAddressLine output...