by Chris Harman | Aug 18, 2020 | Keep (KP Project), 2020Q3.1 Minor Release, Release
Case Number Change Description Category Country CAS-32531-K9J1F8Egypt speed of verificationDataEGYCAS-52937-W0X9D9Address improvementsDataKORCAS-51609-S9N8R4Remove diacriticsDataPOLCAS-51793-W1V3L6AdministrativeArea improvementsAPIUSACAS-51793-W1V3L6AdministrativeArea...
by Chris Harman | Jul 15, 2020 | Keep (KP Project)
What is lqtInter: lqtInter is a tool used to provide platform agnostics. This is an interactive address testing facility for a command-line based tool that can run single addresses. It is similar to lqtDemo.exe but in the form of a simple “SQL-like”...
by Chris Harman | Jul 14, 2020 | Keep (KP Project), 2020Q3.0 Release
End of Support Notifications There are no end of support plans for any platforms with the next major release (2020Q4.0). Microsoft Windows Platform Version Build Compiler Library Dependency Microsoft Windows (x86) Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 10, Windows 7...
by Chris Harman | Jul 14, 2020 | Keep (KP Project), 2020Q3.0 Release
We’ve changed the directory and file structure from 2020Q3.0 and onward. The changes are designed to make navigating the directories easier. The table below maps the previous structure (2020Q1.1 and older) on the left column to the updated names on the right. All...
by Chris Harman | Jul 10, 2020 | Keep (KP Project), 2020Q3.0 Release
Case Number Change Description Category Country CAS-33483-Y9J3H9 Argentina Locality output improvement Data ARG CAS-48501-S7X1Q1 Argentina Locality output improvement Data ARG CAS-32761-L9N2K1 Argentina Locality output improvement Data ARG CAS-48838-V6C6C5 Bolivia...