Senegal (SEN)
Country Information |
Description |
ISO2 |
SN |
ISO3 |
Address Format |
Organization |
PDH completed date |
2020Q4.0 |
New Source |
NO |
Pre-PDH |
Post-PDH |
Reference Data |
rd_SN_rg.lfs |
rd_SN_vfy.lfs |
The 2020Q4.0 major release includes realignment in the following fields for Senegal: SuperAdministrativeArea to AdministrativeArea, AdministrativeArea to SubAdministrativeArea,
SubAdministrativeArea to Locality, and Locality to DependentLocality.
2020Q3.1 |
2020Q4.0 |
Dakar parsed and verified as Administrative Area, AVC=P1 returned. |
Dakar parsed and verified as Locality, which yield better AVC (V3).