/address+certify (CASS)
PLEASE NOTE: this is legacy documentation, for a product which is no longer actively supported. See our current documentation for details of our actively-supported cloud API.
The Certify process may be added to the verify (/address/verify) API service. The request is made by including “certify” as a parameter in the respective call. Requesting certified postal fields does incur an additional credit charge.
Certified processing is only available for CASS (United States) and AMAS (Australia).
Output Component Fields
Field | Definition |
AutoZoneIndicator | Automated Zone Indicator A – Carrier route sort rates apply. Merge allowed. B – Carrier route sort rates apply. Merge not allowed. C – Carrier route sort rates do not apply. Merge allowed. D – Carrier route sort rates do not apply. Merge not allowed. |
CarrierRoute | Carrier route code assigned to a mail delivery or collection route within a 5-digit ZIP Code. This is also referred to as CRID. There are 5 types: B – PO Box H – Highway contract R – Rural route C – City delivery G – General delivery |
CMRAIndicator | Indicates whether the address is associated with a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency(CMRA). Y – Address was found in the table N – Address was not found in the table blank – Address was not presented to the table |
CongressionalDistrict | The congressional district to which the address belongs |
DefaultFlag | A value of “Y” indicates that the record matched to a high rise default, rural route default, or street default record in the ZIP+4 file. |
DeliveryPointBarCode | 3-digit code which consists of the 2-digit delivery point code and 1-digit check digit.This is used to create the 12-digit POSTNET barcode which consists of the 5-digit ZIP Code, 4-digit ZIP+4 addon code, and this 3-digit code. |
DPVConfirmedIndicator | Indicates the deliverability of the address Y – Confirmed N – Not confirmed S – Confirmed after dropping the subbuilding number D – Premise number confirmed but subbuilding number is missing blank – The address was not submitted for DPV confirmation. |
DPVFootnotes | Delivery Point Validation footnotes. This field is used together with the DPVConfirmedIndicator field to understand the input address’ validity and deliverability AA – Street, city, state and ZIP are valid. Address matched a record in the ZIP+4 file. A1 – Address not found in the ZIP+4 file. Address is invalid BB – All address components are confirmed. Address is a deliverable address CC – Address is a deliverable address after dropping the subbuilding number from the input address F1 – Address matched to a military address G1 – Address matched to a general delivery address N1 – Found a DPV match to the premise number but the subbuilding number is missing from the input record M1 – Premise number is missing M3 – Premise number is invalid P1 – PO, RR, HC Box number missing P3 – PO, RR, HC Box number is invalid RR – Address matched to CMRA and PMB designator is present R1 – Address matched to CMRA but PMB designator is not present U1 – Address matched to a unique ZIP Code |
eLOTCode | eLOT directional indicator. See the eLOTNumber field for additional information. A – ascending D – descending |
eLOTNumber | 4-digit sequence number for eLOT (Enhanced Line of Travel). This number combined with the eLOTCode field is used in mail sortation. eLOT processing may be used by mailers to qualify for enhanced carrier route presort discounts. |
EWSFlag | A value of “Y” indicates that the address matched a record in the EWS (Earl Warning System) file, thus resulting in a ZIP+4 no match |
FalsePositiveIndicator | The False Positive table flags the False Positive addresses. This is a flag to determine whether a mailing list is being generated or created during validation. Creating a mailing list through DPV certification is not allowed by the USPS. Y – Address was found in the table N – Address was not found in the table blank – Address was not presented to the table |
FIPSCountyCode | 5-digit FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) code which uniquely identifies counties. |
Footnotes | Footnote string A – ZIP corrected B – City/State corrected C – Invalide City/State/ZIP D – No ZIP assigned E – ZIP assigned for multiple response F – No ZIP available G – Part of firm moved to address H – Subbuilding number missing I – Insufficient/incorrect data J – Dual input K – Multiple results caused by cardinal rule L – Delivery address component added/deleted/changed M – Street name spelling changed N – Delivery address was standardized O – Low +4 tie-breaker (multi-response) P – Better delivery address exists Q – Unique zipcode R – No match due to EWS (Early Warning System) S – Invalid secondary number T – Multiple results caused by magnet rule U – Unofficial po name V – Unverifiable city/state W – Small town default X – Unique ZIP code generated Y – Military match Z – ZIP move match |
LACSLinkCode | Code returned by LACSLink® after querying the LACSLink® database. A – The input address matched to a record in the LACSLink® database. A new address could be furnished. 00 – The input address could not be matched to a record in the LACSLink®database. A new address could not be furnished. 14 – The input record matched to a record in the LACSLink®database. The new address could not be converted to a deliverable address. 92 – The input address matched to a LACSLink® record but the input address had a subbuilding number and the LACSLink® record did not. |
LACSLinkIndicator | Indicator returned by LACSLink® after querying the LACSLink® database. Y – The input address matched to a record in the LACSLink® database. S – The input address matched to a LACSLink® record but the input address had a subbuilding number and the LACSLink® record did not. N – The input address could not be matched to a record in the LACSLink® database. A new address could not be furnished. F – A false positive record was detected |
LACSStatus | A value of “L” indicates that the input address matched an entry in the Locatable Address Conversion Service database and the input address has been converted from a rural-style address to a city-style address. |
NoStatIndicator | Indicates the address is not receiving delivery, and the address is not counted as a possible delivery. These addresses are not receiving delivery because A) delivery has not been established; B) customer receives mail as a part of a drop; or C) the address is no longer a possible delivery because the carrier destroys or returns all of the mail. Y – Address was found in the table N – Address was not found in the table blank – Address was not presented to the table |
PMBNumber | Parsed PMB number following the PMB designator |
PMBType | Parsed Private Mailbox (PMB) designator |
PrimaryAddressLine | Primary delivery address line. This can include any of the following: Premise Number Thoroughfare Name Thoroughfare Predirection Thoroughfare Postdirection Thoroughfare Trailing Type Subbuilding Number PO BOX |
RecordType | Record type of address that is confirmed as a valid delivery address S – Street P – PO Box R – Rural route H – Highrise F – Firm G – General delivery |
ReturnCode | 10 – Invalid input address 11 – Invalid 5-digit ZIP Code 12 – Invalid state abbreviation code 13 – Invalid city name 21 – No match found 22 – Multiple responses were found and more specific information is required to select a single or default response 31 – A single matching address was found 32 – An address was found, but a more specific address could be found with more information |
ResidentialDelivery | This field indicates whether the input address is a residential address or a business address Y – residential N – business blank – invalid address This field is only available if RDI data pack is installed together with CASS |
SecondaryAddressLine | Secondary delivery address line if present. |
SUITELinkFootnote | Code returned by SuiteLink® after querying the SuiteLink® database. A – The input address matched to a record in the SuiteLink® database. An improved business address could be furnished. 00 – The input address could not be matched to a record in the SuiteLink® database. |
VacantIndicator | Indicates that the delivery point was active in the past, but is currently vacant (in most cases, unoccupied over 90 days) and is not receiving deliveries. Y – Address was found in the table N – Address was not found in the table blank – Address was not presented to the table |
Example Request
POST https://api.loqate.com/address/verify?certify Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json { "lqtkey":"BFtd2UpC8Gl2jU5PPnDZIVpoz2XnBMyWEfVcAfoI", "input":[ { "Address1":"136 bradford st", "Locality":"san francisco", "AdministrativeArea":"ca", "PostalCode":"94110", "Country":"usa" } ] }
Example Response
200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf8 Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2015 21:48:29 GMT Server: Apache X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.16 Content-Length: 695 Connection: keep-alive { "Status":"OK", "output":[ { "AQI":"A", "AVC":"V42-I44-P7-100", "Address":"136 BRADFORD ST, SAN FRANCISCO CA 94110-5704", "Address1":"136 BRADFORD ST", "Address2":"SAN FRANCISCO CA 94110-5704", "AdministrativeArea":"CA", "AutoZoneIndicator":"D", "BusinessIndicator":" ", "CMRAIndicator":"N", "CarrierRoute":"C041", "CentralizedIndicator":"", "CheckDigit":"0", "CongressionalDistrict":"12", "CountryName":"UNITED STATES", "CurbIndicator":"", "DPVConfirmedIndicator":"Y", "DPVFootnotes":"AABB", "DPVLACSIndicator":" ", "DefaultFlag":" ", "DeliveryAddress":"136 BRADFORD ST", "DeliveryAddress1":"136 BRADFORD ST", "DeliveryPointBarCode":"360", "DependentLocality":"", "DropCount":"", "DropSiteIndicator":" ", "EducationalIndicator":" ", "FIPSCountyCode":"075", "FalsePositiveIndicator":" ", "Finance":"056786", "Footnotes":"", "ISO3166-2":"US", "ISO3166-3":"USA", "ISO3166-N":"840", "LACSLinkCode":"", "LACSLinkIndicator":" ", "Locality":"SAN FRANCISCO", "NDCBUIndicator":"", "NoStatIndicator":"N", "Organization":"", "OtherIndicator":"", "PMBNumber":"", "PMBType":"", "PostBoxNumber":"", "PostBoxType":"", "PostalCode":"94110-5704", "PostalCodePrimary":"94110", "PostalCodeSecondary":"5704", "PostalCodeSecondaryRangeHigh":"5704", "PostalCodeSecondaryRangeLow":"5704", "Premise":"136", "PrimaryAddressLine":"136 BRADFORD ST", "PrimaryNumRangeCode":"E", "PrimaryNumRangeHigh":"0000000198", "PrimaryNumRangeLow":"0000000100", "RecordType":"S", "ResidentialDelivery":"Y", "ReturnCode":"31", "SUITELinkFootnote":"", "SeasonalIndicator":" ", "SecondaryAddressLine":"SAN FRANCISCO CA 94110-5704", "SecondaryNumRangeCode":" ", "SecondaryNumRangeHigh":"", "SecondaryNumRangeLow":"", "SubAdministrativeArea":"SAN FRANCISCO", "Thoroughfare":"BRADFORD ST", "ThoroughfareName":"BRADFORD", "ThoroughfarePostDirection":"", "ThoroughfarePreDirection":"", "ThoroughfareTrailingType":"ST", "ThrowbackIndicator":" ", "VacantIndicator":"N", "eLOTCode":"A", "eLOTNumber":"0077" } ] }