2023 Q1.1 Resolved Case List Summary

The following is a list of cases that have been resolved with the 2023Q1.1 minor release. To view the the examples and screenshots of the changes made please click here. If you would like more details on any of the solved cases listed, please contact the support team: LoqateSupport@gbgplc.com for further information.

Country Case Number Change Description Category
All CAS-40536-Z1X2W7 Fix bug that match field case-sensitively API
Austria CAS-90591-T1B2D7 Correction of the SubAA being verified Data
China CAS-56813-M7W1K0 Fix some localities with incorrect districts in China Geographic Hierarchy
China CAS-90142-Y9T9T0 Remove invalid postcodes in China georgaphic stucture Geographic Hierarchy
China CAS-90594-V3Y2W4 Improvement of Locality parsing and verification Data
Congo CAS-56518-D5Z5W7 Provinces can be populated at AdministrativeArea instead of SuperAdministrativeArea Data
Ecuador CAS-48839-B4D7J0 Improvement of PostalCode verification Data
Georgia CAS-74510-F2J9L3 Correction of output address script Data
Great Britian CAS-83257-B5K2Q9 Flt/Falt → Flat API
Ireland CAS-79874-X0B6T5 Amend some localities in wrong admin areas in Ireland Geographic Hierarchy
South Korea Rework Correction of output address format for native addresses Data
Spain CAS-83567-R7B1D4 Improvement of address verification and geocodes accuracy Data
Spain CAS-84146-P3B1T1 Improvement of Thoroughfare parsing and verification Data
United States CAS-86141-R0D2R1 Improvement of SubBuilding parsing and verification Data
United States CAS-90780-N4R6Z9 Improvement of address verification Data
United States CAS-91103-R6Y0X8 Improvement of address verification Data

If you would like more details on any of the solved cases listed, please contact the support team: LoqateSupport@gbgplc.com for further information.