Q2022 Q1.0 Resolved Case List Summary
The following is a list of cases that have been resolved with the 2022Q1.0 minor release. To view the the examples and screenshots of the changes made please click here. If you would like more details on any of the solved cases listed, please contact the support team: LoqateSupport@gbgplc.com for further information.
Case Number | Change Description | Category | Country |
CAS-37013-C2X1W0 | Loqate support 5-digit postcodes for Taiwan | Data | TWN |
CAS-53585-C3H6W4 | Loqate to return census data match for Lebanon (New Jersey) addresses. | Data | USA |
CAS-61942-X8Z9R6 | Lot number information addition | Data | AUS |
CAS-60866-D0F9K3 | Mapped FR-GP and GP to Guadeloupe | Data | FRA |
CAS-49069-M3N8F7 | Improve SubBuilding and Premise parsing | Data | MAC |
CAS-07441-C3X5B7 | Updated Reference Data with thoroughfare to improve parsing | Data | ESP |
CAS-09827-K6R8H6 | Update Country Hyphen class from B to C to fix the parsing of the premise number | Data | IRL |
CAS-62605-J4C8Y8 | Added PostalCode “90-936” for Locality “Lodz” | Data | POL |
CAS-61305-C7B3Z2 | Removed postalcode 87-840 from Baruchowo and Kowal | Data | POL |
CAS-38491-J6P2X3 | Add ‘flats’ as building type in lexicon to improve parsing | Data | MLT |
CAS-58760-K7R2Q1 | Add West Wing as Building in lexicon to improve Parsing | Data | USA |
CAS-61872-K9F1P1 | Add IRR {NUMERIC} as SubBuilding number in lexicon | Data | USA |
CAS-51092-W1Q3N1 | Adding ThoroughfareName rules to support the Numeric and Alphabet as part of thoroughfare name. | Data | CAN |
CAS-51455-T4Y8P3 | Fixing the postal code format. | Data | IRL |
CAS-59333-M9M3T7 | Fixing the address parsing issue. | Data | USA |
CAS-11880-F4H2W1, CAS-59650-K5Z7S0 | Input thoroughfare “Dunham Ridge Rd” was verified as “Old Dunham Rd”, this has been fixed and verified as “Dunham Rd” | API | USA |
CAS-48721-Q4S2S2 | Fix the issue where Verified Large Change status is displayed when the input Administrative Area is specified. | Data | SGP |
CAS-64046-G8M9W1 | Update country name from Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic to Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of | Data | VEN |
CAS-63363-F9Z5P1 | Updated Reference Data which improved AQI. | Data | ITA |
CAS-09972-J3Z2D5 | Updated Reference Data and able to verify to the correct thoroughfare. | Data | ITA |
CAS-60046-G8T2P3 | Updated Reference Data and premise is able to be verified now. | Data | ITA |
(Internal ticket) | Fix the mapping and the expected locality ‘San Cesaro’ is returned correctly. | Data | ITA |
CAS-62602-X9Y0L0 | Fix the mapping and the expected locality ‘San Severo’ is returned correctly. | Data | ITA |
CAS-62440-F5R6Z0 | Fix the mapping and the expected locality ‘San Giovanni Lupatoto’ is returned correctly. | Data | ITA |
CAS-62711-Z8L0R6 | Fix the mapping and the expected locality is returned correctly. | Data | ITA |
CAS-62457-G3M1D3 | Fix the mapping and the expected locality ‘San Lazzaro Di Savena’ is returned correctly. | Data | ITA |
CAS-51179-B1J5B1 | Updated Reference Data and able to verify to the correct thoroughfare. | Data | ITA |
CAS-07441-C3X5B7 | Updated Reference Data which improved AVC score. | Data | ITA |
CAS-64402-V7C5G9 | Fix the mapping and the expected locality ‘San Vendemiano’ is returned correctly. | Data | ITA |
CAS-53870-R6G2P6 | Removal of Arrondissement | Data | FRA |
CAS-49201-Z7L2R9 | Add SSMMG into lexicon as organization. | Data | USA |
If you would like more details on any of the solved cases listed, please contact the support team: LoqateSupport@gbgplc.com for further information.