2020Q1.0 Resolved Cases

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Case Number Change Description Country Category
CAS-32650-Z1Z6W4 Local API SubBuilding and Premise output improvement All API
CAS-32675-Q7K9P6 Local API SubBuilding and Premise output over-verification improvement All API
CAS-33011-J9R3F8 Server option improvement All API
CAS-33124-S1Q0C2 Thoroughfare/Premise parsing improvement All API
CAS-33125-V0B6B0 Misspelling matching improvement All API
CAS-33207-Z1W3J2 Secondary postal code output standarisation All API
CAS-33487-B9F9N7 Output over-verification improvement All API
CAS-41074-R7W9M9 Parsing improvement AUS Data
CAS-46882-Q9N2Z3 Building output improvement AUS Data
CAS-45983-C5N7B4 lqtDemo CA Query Missing PostalCode CAN API
CAS-38758-M3G6N7 PDH Seed data for Switzerland CH incorrect postcode CHE Data
CAS-32780-P0C8J1 Data AdministrativeArea improvement CHL Data
CAS-34428-Z7K6T0 Parsing errror in CV CPV Data
CAS-32528-Y1X1P4 Organization input parsed into Building previously, now it is parsing into the correct field(Organization) GB API
CAS-38329-M6H2T5 Seed data for IN India is missing postal codes IND Data
CAS-43892-M0J3L0 Ireland Address Output – UPPERCASE IRL Data
CAS-33040-S2V3V2 Data AdministrativeArea improvement LIE Data
CAS-32819-W3S3Q7 Luxembourg Issue LUX Data
CAS-33527-T7R7K2 Building output improvement MYS Data
CAS-32342-C9B5T6 Server Option: OutputCasing will overwrite the default casing settings in country.txt NLD API
CAS-33676-L7F5K9 Output Casing for AUS towns NLD, AUS API
CAS-39016-M1K8M2 PDH Seed data for Poland should distinguish appropriately between urban and non-urban Gminas POL Data
CAS-41478-K3Y5G6 Locality output improvement PRT Data
CAS-32703-R5C0R9 Mis-spelt locality got parsed into thoroughfare field as identified context. USA API
Wrong thoroughfare show as part of the output address.
CAS-32706-M0N1P0 Duplicate handling USA API
CAS-33586-P7K7P4 Number from thoroughfare parsed to Organization USA API
CAS-37500-N5V9T9 Loqate endpoint provides incorrect data if no city is passed USA Data
CAS-40272-B2W8J6 RM information changed to Floor during Parsing. USA Data
SubBuilding Floor is missing from the formatted output.
Looking at the Address Format, SubBuilding Floor is not part of it.
RM information get parsed correctly as RM instead of floor.
SubBuilding Floor is missing from the formatted output.
SubBuilding Floor is part of the formatted output.
CAS-43207-F2Y0V8 Loqate 2019Q3.0 fatal error USA API
CAS-43590-S0X1V7 Premise number from the input address get parsed to sub-building field USA Data
CAS-44989-M0Y3Z0 Loqate Address Case conversion issue USA API
CAS-45677-X5W7P6 Highway is cleansed to Avenue USA API
CAS-33058-B7Q0V1 Thoroughfare data improvement POL Data
CAS-45616-L8Z3B0 API improvement for “Enhance” ALL API