In some countries, users may notice the verified address is different from the input address. This can be the expected behavior depending on the country. Below are common examples of some countries where the verified address is different from the input address.
In Italy, it is common to see verified addresses where either the Locality or SubAdministrativeArea appear to be missing. Using Sora as an example, this is considered both a commune and a settlement (town). If an address is inside the town of Sora, it will also be in the commune of Sora. For an address outside the town of Sora, it will just exist with the commune of Sora. The below table lists the respective Loqate fields within an Italian address.
SuperAdministrativeArea | Regione |
AdministrativeArea | Provincia |
SubAdministrativeArea | Commune |
Locality | Settlement |
When writing addresses in ITA, the geography line is typically written in address line 2. In this example, postal code 03039 Sora Fr, will be listed in either the Locality or the SubAdministrativeArea where it doesn’t fall inside the borders of a defined town.